Digital and social transformation via new paths in research and university education

Targeted and intensive work is being carried out to develop new models for use in interdisciplinary research and studies. Developing new forms of curricula is a central aspect of this process. The curriculum is being developed based on concrete project work and, reflecting the agile development methods used, is continually being realigned and more specifically defined to meet inter- and cross-disciplinary needs. New models will create innovative learning and action spaces by integrating state-of-the-art technologies and new methodological approaches. This makes it possible not only to gather the theoretical knowledge about inter-/cross-, and transdisciplinary working methods, but above all to independently develop and test these methods by performing specific tasks. Overall, the project is divided into four segments: Inspire and Employ, Create and Transform, Show and Reflect, and Secure and Sustain.



Working Circle UTOPIA

The TRANSFORM Symposium, 28/10/2021


Introduction to the development of agile, skills-based learning designs

Universitas Symposium, 08/09/2021

Hero: c iStock, mgkaya